The Strange Triumph of a Slaughtered Lamb
Oct 17, 2009 Preacher: D.A. Carson Passage: Revelation 12:1–17 Series: Conference - The Gospel and Personal Evangelism

A Miracle of Surprises
Oct 17, 2009 Preacher: D.A. Carson Passage: John 11:1–57 Series: Conference - The Gospel and Personal Evangelism

Why Doubt the Resurrection of Jesus?
Oct 17, 2009 Preacher: D.A. Carson Series: Conference - The Scandal of the Cross

Who's neighbour are you?
Oct 16, 2009 Preacher: D.A. Carson Passage: Luke 10:25–27 Series: Guest Preacher

The Ironies of the Cross
Oct 16, 2009 Preacher: D.A. Carson Passage: Matthew 27:27–51 Series: Conference - The Scandal of the Cross

The Centre of the Whole Bible
Oct 16, 2009 Preacher: D.A. Carson Passage: Romans 3:21–26 Series: Conference - The Scandal of the Cross